Eric Berg Scientology Insights: Why It’s Often Misunderstood

 There is no question that Scientology has traditionally been a controversial topic. When the subject is brought up in our discussions, my colleagues, friends, and acquaintances tend to avoid the subject; this is particularly true because Dr. Eric Berg is a Scientology advocate.

I always thought it was interesting to observe how people would do this, so a few days ago I was determined to find out for myself. The thing that prompted me to ask my friends to expound on Scientology and to change the subject was the fact that when we talked about Scientology, my friend tried to change the subject. 

So, in an outright manner, I asked him, "Why do you all avoid talking about this subject?" The answer astonished me. The answer truly shared with me some of the most prominent misconceptions people seem to have about Scientology!

For a moment, let’s set aside The Church of Scientology and forget about celebrity Scientologists like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Michael Peña, Elisabeth Moss, etc. Let’s also disregard what the mass media says about Scientology.

Alternatively, let yourself listen to the ideas of Dr. Eric Berg a Scientology, as he describes the truths of Scientology in his own words.

Scientology is a belief system produced by L. Ron Hubbard, that claims we are all immortal spiritual beings that Hubbard referred to as Thetans. 

He claimed that we have the potential to recreate God-like potential, which makes us the most powerful beings in the universe, but we are unaware of this potential.

He also claimed that we have lost touch with our God-like power and that we are trapped in a physical body, roaming the earth and trapped by the physical universe. Scientology provides ways to tap into our potential and regain our God-like powers.

This idea bolts to other concepts of religions that are used in varying degrees to describe phenomena of Hinduism such as Atma, Parmatma, reincarnation, and salvation. Scientology is also related to other religions worldwide such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

Ultimately, we are all immortals, all-powerful beings. But our present human form is an extension and limited projection of this earth. Scientology helps us escape from this bondage, and tap back into our unbound, unlimited potential. 

Resources Related to Dr. Eric Berg's Scientology  


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